All posts by peaadmin

An All-Hallows Read If/Then Post


As we mentioned on Monday, the books here at the Library are quietly assembling for All-Hallows Read, a celebration of all things literary, eerie, chilling, and delightful.  Our staff is getting involved, too, selecting some of their favorite spooky reads for your All Hallows Read list.  From the classics to new releases and back again, here are some of our favorite tales…but be sure to stop by any of our displays and pick out a few seasonal tales that tickle your fancy!

If you are looking for a good place to start reading the kind of scary stories that All Hallows Read celebrates, Then be sure to check out:

3606195Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

Bone Gap is the story of a boy named Finn who has a particularly difficult time recognizing faces, his brother Sean, and Sean’s girlfriend Roza, a beautiful and peculiar girl who disappears just as mysteriously as she appeared. Finn is the only one who sees her leave, and while the rest of the town of Bone Gap believes she left town in the same way the boys’ mother did years prior, Finn knows that she was kidnapped – but he can’t find a way to describe the kidnapper, nor does anyone in town believe him anyway. Told from alternating points of view, parts of the book read as a strange fairy tale, others as magic realism with just a smidgen of romance. Not scary in the horror sense, Bone Gap is a story of perception that leaves you questioning reality.

2269065The House With A Clock In Its Walls by John Bellairs

When Neil Gaiman makes a recommendation, we here all listen.  But the truth of the matter is that Bellairs is a sensational author for teens and former teens alike.  This particular book features Lewis, who has always wanted to live in an old house full of hidden passageways and secret corridors and when he is taken in by his Uncle Jonathan after the death of his parents, it seems that the world has finally given Lewis his dream come true.  But then Jonathan finds out that his uncle is a wizard…and that the house that they call home was built by a wizard.  A wizard who plotted the end of the world by hiding a clock in the house’s creaky walls.  A clock that has suddenly begun ticking louder and louder….This is a wonderfully fun, delightfully creepy gothic adventure, and is an ideal place to start reading all of Bellairs stellar novels!

2663371The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

Jackson’s classic tale is considered one of the best ghost stories of the 20th century, mostly because it doesn’t show much of anything at all, but relies on the reader’s own fears to make it chilling.  Eager to investigate the paranormal activity in the house, Dr. John Montague and Luke Sanderson, heir to the mysterious Hill House, invite a group of people who all have associations with the paranormal.  Only two show up: the flamboyant Theodora, and the shy, bitter Eleanor, around whom this story revolves.  What happens during their stay is never quite clear…but because neither the characters nor the readers are entirely sure who–or what–is causing all the inexplicable happenings at Hill House, the entire book is an unsettling, nightmarish tale that is guaranteed to stay with you long after the final pages have fluttered past.

2644628Dracula by Bram Stoker:

This book established the horror genre, and it stands the test of time.  The quintessential vampire novel (about which we’ve already waxed rhapsodical), Stoker’s masterpiece is told through the letters, diaries, and transcripts of the four main protagonists, giving us up-close insight into their private terrors and secret fears, but also keeps readers from understanding the full scope of Dracula’s horror too soon.  The result is a rich, and a genuinely unsettling story that deserves all the attention it’s got over the years.

2251443‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

I think we’ve already had several discussions about this book, but we should have lots more.  Because this is definitely one of the good Mr. King’s most undersung masterpieces.  It was also inspired by both Dracula and The Haunting of Hill House, so there are added pleasures to be found for those who dare to read these books together.  Ostensibly, ‘Salem’s Lot is the story of a small Maine town that is visited by a vampire.  But it is so much more than that…it’s a love story to New England; its people, its practices, and, especially, its weather.  This book is a perfect fall read all around…but you might want to keep the lights on while you finish it….


Happy Reading, and Happy All Hallows Read!

Something wicked this way comes…..



It was a dark and stormy weekend.  I was sitting at the circulation desk listening to the books whisper secret tales of goblins, ghosts, and other things that slinky around in the shadows…

Oh…did you not know that books can whisper?  If you’re friendly to them, and sit very quietly, sometimes you can catch them telling each other stories on the shelves…

But that it beside the point.  As I was sitting and listening, I heard new voice…a low, croaking voice that sent chills running up and down my spine.

“It’s October, you know.”  The voice growled.  “You know what that means…”

“Do I?” I asked, slowly turning, dreading to see what was behind me.

“Of course,” whispered another voice–this one high and shrill, like an icy wind.  “It’s time for All Hallows Read.”

And behind me, I saw whole shelves of books creeping across the library, slinking down the stairs, and fluttering up onto our display tables…books of ghouls and vampires, of voices from beyond and inexplicable events; books full of dreams and nightmares to give giggles and shivers.

The books had decided it was time for the All Hallows Read.  And they are waiting for you…


So what is All Hallow’s Read, you ask?  Well, I can give no better an explanation than the Grand and Glorious Neil Gaiman, who created this most literary of all celebrations with this blog post.  You can also see a marvelous video explanation below:

(and check out #AllHallowsRead for even more information, details, and recommendations!)

Essentially, however, it involves handing out scary books for Halloween.  But the books here have decided that the Peabody Library will be participating in All Hallows Read from now until Halloween, so you can come in any time this month and check out our displays of creepy, crazy, vivid, and visceral stories to keep you up late into the witching hours (because the books are just too excited to keep this to a single day, apparently).  We also, as Mr. Gaiman said, are more than happy to provide recommendations, as well.

So, Happy All Hallow’s Read, beloved patrons!  The books are terribly eager to make your acquaintance….

The Romance Garden!

e92eb432815dc5ca41c6e80280b8df30After a long hiatus (mostly due to the fact that September was nearly gone before I realized it was here), we once again bring you the Romance Garden, where some of the Library’s genre devotees provide your mind with a little dirt, and plenty of love, in which to grow….

Bridget: The Captive Prince, by C.S. Pacat

3622688I’ll be honest with you, when I hear that a self-published e-serial has been released in paperback form, I usually find somewhere to hide.  Pacat’s sensational books, however, has not only made me a little embarrassed to admit my former prejudices, but is the exception to almost every rule out there.

Part fantasy, part mystery, part love story, the first novel in the Captive Prince trilogy sees Prince Damen of Akielos betrayed, kidnapped, and sold as a slave to his mortal enemy, the vicious and heartless Prince Laurent of Vere.  Though desperate and determined to escape, Damen quickly begins to realize that the court of Vere is a dangerous place, not only for foreigners, but for its Prince, as well.  But can Damen keep Laurent safe without betraying his own identity?

Pacat is the Queen of Subtlety, so the relationship between Damen and Laurent is a slow-simmering, tenuous thing that grows only by baby steps…but when they come, those moments are so delicious and revelatory and meaningful that they are simply unforgettable. Laurent himself has swiftly become one of my favorite heroes in romance–he’s tricky and nasty and petty, but scratching the surface shows plenty of hidden depths that are impossible not to love, even just a little.  Having already devoured the second book in this trilogy, I can only tell you that things get better from here, but we’ll all have to wait for Book Three together!



51UT8PkYRAL._SX307_BO1,204,203,200_Pleasure for Pleasure by Eloisa James

The fourth and final book in James’ Essex Sisters series is sweet, witty, and peppered with plenty of Shakespeare. Eloisa James is a Shakespeare professor as well as a writer, so it’s no surprise that in addition to the main characters’ love of poetry and literature, the title of the book is a reference to Shakespeare’s play Measure for Measure.

Josie Essex is smart, funny, outspoken and beautiful, but after the ton’s resident bully dubs her the “Scottish Sausage,” not only does her debut season get off to a more than rocky start, but she becomes entirely uncomfortable in her own skin. Determined to repair her battered reputation and recover her self-esteem, she seeks out the help of a family friend.

The Earl of Mayne is a reformed rake and, in Josie’s mind, the perfect person to help her learn what to do to make men take notice of her. Early on, the interactions between Mayne and Josie are an appealing mixture of comic and caring, with Mayne viewing himself as an admiring protector and Josie seeing him as something of a big brother figure. Soon the two discover that there is much more to their relationship, but not before Mayne tries to attach himself to a French prima donna who is all wrong for him and Josie casts herself into a situation of potentially scandalous proportions.

A fun romance that will make you laugh out loud, Pleasure for Pleasure is guaranteed to make you want to read more Eloisa James.



3643283The Photograph by Beverly Lewis
Eva Esch’s family has suffered a lot of loss.  Both of their parents recently died and now their youngest sister has run away from their Amish community in Eden Valley, Pennsylvania.  Jed Stutzman, a buggy maker from Ohio, is working through is own grief after losing his finance in an accident.  When Jed takes a train to Eden Valley to learn some new buggy making techniques, he stumbles across a copy of Little Women that is full of margin notes and a forbidden photograph of a young Amish woman.  Jed is captivated by both the wisdom of the writer who left her thoughts in that novel and by the looks of the woman in the photo.  When he meets Eva on his trip, he thinks he has found this intriguing stranger.  More importantly, he finds himself connecting with a woman for the first time since he lost his finance.  Eva is similarly smitten, but is also somewhat distracted by her missing sister, another young man who wants to be more than just friends and her older brother’s declaration that he and his wife and children will be taking over the family homestead and there isn’t room for everyone else anymore.
After being disappointed by the last Lewis novel I tried, The Photograph has restored my faith in one of my favorite writers of bonnet fiction.  Her trademark well written story with likable characters is present without the heavy-handed proselytizing that can creep into Amish romances.  The plot may rely a bit too much on coincidences, but it is still a highly enjoyable tale that weaves in nice tidbits about Amish culture. 


Saturdays @ the South: Comfort Reads


Today is the last day of Banned Books Week, which we’ve been celebrating here on the blog daily, in various ways and from various perspectives because it is a broad topic to consider. You would think that since the South kicked off the Banned Books Week-bonanza last week that I would have something to say in summary or to end the discussion. However, I’d prefer not to have a finale for Banned Books Week, because, despite the well-deserved celebration discussions shouldn’t end just because the advertised week is over. They should be ongoing and I highly encourage that. So I’m going to leave banned books open-ended and start fresh with a new post….

Autumn is when the leaves begin to turn, the evenings become chilly while the days remain warm, foods turn into a pumpkin-fest and thoughts begin to turn to things of comfort as we steel ourselves for the upcoming winter. To me, the fall is a season for comfort: the foods that warm me as I take out my soup pot (temporarily retired during the steamy summer days), the sweaters and boots that keep me cozy, the blankets pulled from the cedar chest and the books that seem to encompass all of these things.


I don’t mean books that depict fall in a certain way, mention autumn in the title or feature the season prominently. The books I’m talking about are what’s affectionately referred to as “comfort reads.” Most regular readers have books that fall into this category, and they’re more than just favorite books. Comfort reads can take many forms, but generally they refer to those books that give you a type of emotional support. The ones that you can pick up and feel like you’re being welcomed to a familiar place by people you feel know you well. It’s the book equivalent of a friend you haven’t seen in years, but somehow, no matter the time that’s passed, you pick up just where you left off and start chatting away. It can make you feel better when you’re stressed or sympathize with you when you’re depressed. A comfort read doesn’t have to be great literature, it just needs to elicit that feeling coming home.

Our awesome librarian at the West Branch talked a bit this week about her favorite books to re-read and I’d bet that at least a couple of those book fall into her “comfort reads” category. As a matter of fact, two of the books she listed happen to be at the very top of a Goodreads list of comfort reads. Authors have comfort reads as well. Perennial librarian favorite Neil Gaiman gave an interview to Reading Rainbow recently (which, despite not being on air anymore is still going strong to promote child literacy and encouraging early readers, much to my inner child’s delight) where he talked about his comfort reads:

We avid readers have “comfort books” the same way other people have “comfort foods”, do you have any “comfort books” that you turn to when you’re sick, or stressed, or depressed?

I do, actually, and they’re an odd little bunch. I can’t really say why I turn to these books. Bleak House by Charles Dickens is definitely one of them. When I was in my twenties Glory Road by Heinlein was my go-to book. I have no idea why, it was just a place I liked to go when I was sad. R.A. Lafferty writes places I like to go to. Roger Zelazny’s Lord of Light is another wonderful place to go.

Like Gaiman and our West Branch librarian, you may go to your comfort reads time an again. Others might be books you’ve read once or twice, but you take comfort knowing that they’re there to welcome you back whenever you need them.

I have a bit of an eccentric list comfort reads list myself. Here are a few books that I go to whenever I need them, for whatever reason:

3554442Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve read this book (and for that matter, watched the BBC adaptation). P&P is what I read whenever I’ve got a book hangover and don’t know what to read next.  I get swept away in the wit, romance and Regency country dancing and all feels right with the world again. Somehow, this book always guides me back to my reading list.

3237118Hamlet by William Shakespeare

There’s a good chance that you’ll stop reading here thinking I’ve lost my mind. I’m willing to run that risk. When I’m feeling sad or depressed, I’ve turned to Hamlet because my problems seem to pale by comparison. Sometimes you feel the need to commiserate and books can do that for you. This one makes me feel like I’m commiserating with a cousin and Shakespeare’s poetry makes it sound as though Hamlet is commiserating right back.

1504665Middlemarch by George Eliot

I’ve only red this book once, but every time I picked it up to get further into the story, I got this warm feeling washing over me like I was visiting a small country town where everyone knew everyone else and the people there welcomed me into their little community with open arms (It’s kind of like the atmosphere at the South Branch, actually). The stories are compelling, the prose is beautiful and this is one where I know ithat if I ever want to go back to Middlemarch, it will be there for me, with the same folks and the same town waiting to welcome me back again.

1912752Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

Lest you only think I read classics for comfort (though I admit I do find the most comfort in classics) this book is one I go back to whenever I feel the need to escape. Not the kind of escape that a beach read offers. This is a curl-up-under-the-covers and take-me-away kind of book. It’s dense and rich with themes that envelop me like a warm blanket. I always feel immensely satisfied after reading this book, even though the ending somewhat ambiguous.

2260048Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

You thought you could get away from a mention of this one, didn’t you? It keeps popping back up because this book had a profound effect on me. I was utterly pulled into the world Clarke created as completely as any book I’ve ever read. This is one of the books I know I will turn to for comfort when the real world just seems a bit much and I’ll journey with Jonathan and Arabella Strange, Gilbert Norrell and John Segundus as though they were members of my own circle of friends.

Clearly my list of comfort reads (and there are many more) aren’t for everyone, but I do believe that everyone who enjoys reading has their own list of books that they turn to for comfort, in their own way. Till next week, dear readers, pull out the blanket, make a cup of cocoa or tea and cozy up to a read that gives you comfort.

Five Book Friday: The Banned Books Week Edition


Banned Book Week is drawing to a reluctant close, but since it’s our day to highlight books on the library shelves, and we are little literary rebels, I thought we could use this time to hear a few more authors talk about the importance of books; of allowing readers to think for themselves, to read what they want and need to read, wherever they want to read it.  The books listed below are on our shelves and in the NOBLE system, ready and waiting for you to come and visit them, and maybe even be changed by them.


3132260Wes Moore, author of The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates (challenged by parents to the Springfield Massachusetts School Committee for its discussion of drug use and alcohol):

“Even if these students don’t read or talk about my story in school, I’m sure many of them would recognize the streets I grew up on…For many of my readers, hearing a story about someone like them – someone who struggled growing up in a family like theirs, on streets like theirs – resonates more powerfully for them than reading about people and places they couldn’t envision. For that very reason, I think it all the more important to bring The Other Wes Moore into schools and offer students a healthy space to discuss this. To talk about even the dark realities of my story and their own lives in the presence of their peers and caring teachers can be a powerful way to help them think of how they might make choices when caught in difficult times…We all have an obligation to share such stories and to consider the importance of teaching personal responsibility to our children.” 

3110716Jeanette Walls, author of The Glass Castle (removed from the curriculum in the Dallas County School District after parents voiced concern that their children would be uncomfortable with sex and drug use depicted ):

“My book has ugly elements to it, but it’s about hope and resilience, and I don’t know why that wouldn’t be an important message.  Sometimes you have to walk through the muck to get to the message…A lot of teachers told me someone reported an abusive relative after reading it in my book. How valuable is that?…And we can begin to give kids the tools they need to deal with it, if only to say, ‘You are not alone.’”

2435322Robert Lipsyte, author of Raiders Night (challenged for scenes of drug use and discussion of sexual assault by numerous school systems and high school sports teams):

“…a bright suburban mid-western superintendent told me how much he had enjoyed the book and how, as a former football coach, he thought it was dead on…I explained that…[my] mission it is to tell useful, truthful stories to youngsters who are willing to absorb them into their process of becoming. I told him that the jocks with whom I had discussed the book – some in his own high school – thought it was like a documentary of their lives. What they really wanted to talk about was their profound distrust for adults, particularly coaches and school administrators. He nodded ruefully. They have reason, he said.  For a moment, I wanted to clap him on the back, It’s okay, big fella, censoring information for boys and girls is a tricky, nuanced game, don’t beat yourself up. But…you censor information for kids and they’re used to it as adults so you can make wars, poison the air and burn up our future with lies.” 

2191400Pat Conroy, author of Prince of Tides and Beach Music (challenged by parents in Charleston, West Virginia, and brought to the author’s attention by a student desperate for the chance to read the books):

“The world of literature has everything in it, and it refuses to leave anything out. I have read like a man on fire my whole life because the genius of English teachers touched me with the dazzling beauty of language. Because of them I rode with Don Quixote and danced with Anna Karenina at a ball in St. Petersburg…I’ve been in ten thousand cities and have introduced myself to a hundred thousand strangers in my exuberant reading career, all because I listened to my fabulous English teachers and soaked up every single thing those magnificent men and women had to give. I cherish and praise them and thank them for finding me when I was a boy and presenting me with the precious gift of the English language.

The school board of Charleston, West Virginia, has sullied that gift and shamed themselves and their community….But here is my favorite thing: Because you banned my books, every kid in that county will read them, every single one of them. Because book banners are invariably idiots, they don’t know how the world works — but writers and English teachers do. I salute the English teachers of Charleston, West Virginia, and send my affection to their students.”

2049456Oscar Wilde, author of The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest, et. al. (Dorian Gray was heavily edited and later banned for immorality.  The rest of Wilde’s work was suppressed following his imprisonment for gross indecency):

The artist is the creator of beautiful things….Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault.

Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope….

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

Sherman Alexie on fighting monsters: A Banned Book Week Post


When we talk about Banned Books, we very often talk about the people who attack books, and the people (or institutions) who actually ban them.  But we also need to consider the readers from whom these books are taken.  In reading more about banned books and their impact, it becomes apparent very quickly how desperately these books are needed.  For many people, the difficult situations, challenging stories, and troubling characters that are in these books offer readers a way to understand themselves and their lives.  They offer hope and voice to people who very often feel they have neither.

2663674There are few authors who understand their heart-rending impact on readers more that Sherman Alexie, author of the most challenged book in America: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.   The book tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist who leaves the troubled schools on his Spokane Indian Reservation in order to attend an all-white school in the nearby farming community.  The novel was inspired by Alexie’s own childhood, which was at least as difficult as Junior’s, if not more so.


download (2)

In 2011, Meghan Cox Gurdon wrote a piece for The Wall Street Journal criticizing the violence and sex in teen books in general, and in Alexie’s work specifically.  The piece is a rather knee-jerk reaction to the idea that teenagers are now an independent demographic in the publishing industry, and many books written for them featured dark, difficult (and realistic) subject matter–an idea with which Gurdon was clearly not pleased: “Pathologies that went undescribed in print 40 years ago, that were still only sparingly outlined a generation ago, are now spelled out in stomach-clenching detail.”

Guron’s argument seems as much based in her distrust of teenagers as with the books themselves: “…teen fiction can be like a hall of fun-house mirrors, constantly reflecting back hideously distorted portrayals of what life is. There are of course exceptions, but a careless young reader—or one who seeks out depravity—will find himself surrounded by images not of joy or beauty but of damage, brutality and losses of the most horrendous kinds.”  Interestingly, she holds up Judy Blume’s Dear God, Are You There, It’s Me, Margaret? as a worthy example of teen literature, despite the fact that it’s one of the most frequently challenged books in America.

She ends with expressing frustration at those who don’t approve of her taking away other people’s books: “In the book trade, this is known as “banning.” In the parenting trade, however, we call this “judgment” or “taste.” It is a dereliction of duty not to make distinctions in every other aspect of a young person’s life between more and less desirable options. Yet let a gatekeeper object to a book and the industry pulls up its petticoats and shrieks “censorship!” (by the way, this is actually the definition of censorship, just so we are all clear).

544a6c96afcb4.imageSherman Alexie’s response is simply stunning, and deserves to be read in its entirely, which you can do here.  In it, he talks about the readers he has met who found, in his book, people who had suffered like them–and people who survived that suffering–and also the courage to survive, as well.  According to Alexie, “kids as young as ten have sent me autobiographical letters written in crayon, complete with drawings inspired by my book, that are just as dark, terrifying, and redemptive as anything I’ve ever read.”  He goes on to question, “Does Ms. Gurdon honestly believe that a sexually explicit YA novel might somehow traumatize a teen mother? Does she believe that a YA novel about murder and rape will somehow shock a teenager whose life has been damaged by murder and rape? Does she believe a dystopian novel will frighten a kid who already lives in hell?”

I’ll let Alexie have the final word here, because nothing can sum up why banned books are so important–for marginalized, lonely, confused readers as well as supported, self-assured, and/or privileged readers, and why we need to protect these readers and their books so carefully:

When some cultural critics fret about the “ever-more-appalling” YA books, they aren’t trying to protect African-American teens forced to walk through metal detectors on their way into school. Or Mexican-American teens enduring the culturally schizophrenic life of being American citizens and the children of illegal immigrants. Or Native American teens growing up on Third World reservations. Or poor white kids trying to survive the meth-hazed trailer parks. They aren’t trying to protect the poor from poverty. Or victims from rapists.  No, they are simply trying to protect their privileged notions of what literature is and should be. They are trying to protect privileged children. Or the seemingly privileged.

Two years ago, I met a young man attending one of the most elite private high schools in the country. He quietly spoke to me of his agony. What kind of pain could a millionaire’s child be suffering? He hadn’t been physically or sexually abused. He hadn’t ever been hungry. He’d never seen one person strike another in anger. He’d never even been to a funeral. So what was his problem?

“I want to be a writer,” he said. “But my father won’t let me. He wants me to be a soldier. Like he was.”

He was seventeen and destined to join the military. Yes, he was old enough to die and kill for his country. And old enough to experience the infinite horrors of war. But according to Ms. Gurdon, he might be too young to read a YA novel that vividly portrays those very same horrors.

“I don’t want to be like my father,” that young man said. “I want to be myself. Just like in your book.”

I felt powerless in that moment. I could offer that young man nothing but my empathy and the promise of more books about teenagers rescuing themselves from the adults who seek to control and diminish him.

Teenagers read millions of books every year. They read for entertainment and for education. They read because of school assignments and pop culture fads. And there are millions of teens who read because they are sad and lonely and enraged. They read because they live in an often-terrible world. They read because they believe, despite the callow protestations of certain adults, that books-especially the dark and dangerous ones-will save them…

And now I write books for teenagers because I vividly remember what it felt like to be a teen facing everyday and epic dangers. I don’t write to protect them. It’s far too late for that. I write to give them weapons–in the form of words and ideas-that will help them fight their monsters. I write in blood because I remember what it felt like to bleed.

Wednesdays @ West: In praise of re-reading


monsterattheendofthisbookSometimes it seems to me that the world is comprised of two types of readers: those who re-read their favorite books and those who don’t.  Typically, children are big fans of re-reading.  My mom assures me that both my brother and I insisted she read The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone over and over and over again.  Luckily, she obliged because research now suggests that reading the same book to children multiple times is highly beneficial.

2599847Initially, I was torn between making this Wednesdays @ West post another in our important series on Banned Books Week, but I realized that there is a lot of overlap between books other people find offensive and seek to limit access to and those that I love and want to enjoy many times over.   I can’t even count how many times my younger self read Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret by Judy Blume.  I am also one of those people whose life was changed by Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.  I was officially not a teenager by the time I discovered that book, but Garden’s writing so touched me that I cried at my desk the morning I heard she had passed away.

parttimeindianOther books that I discovered and rediscover as adult that are technically aimed at teens include The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.  These titles also frequently appear on lists of challenged books.

anneofgreengablesWith Harry Potter, I generally re-read books one through seven every summer.  Assigning seasons of the year to specific books is a bit of a reading quirk of mine.  While the summers belong to Harry, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott makes an appearance every Christmas and Anne of Green Gables and the six other books about Anne Shirley by L.M. Montgomery tend to pop up in the spring.  These last two titles attest not only to my enduring love of literature for young people, but to a certain sense of nostalgia for the books that I loved as a child.

beantreesThere are, of course, wonders of adult literature that I choose to escape into more than once as well.  The Red Tent by Anita Diamant and The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh belong to this set, as does our Big Read title In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.  Many of Barbara Kingsolver’s books are re-read favorites of mine, including Flight Behavior.  I’m also just about to delve into The Bean Trees yet again.

grannydSometimes what I wish to reread depends on my mood.  When I did comforting, I will often turn to The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer or Joshua by Joseph Girzone.  If I’m starting to feel a bit cynical or uninspired, I will pick up Granny D: You’re Never Too Old to Raise a Little Hell by Doris Haddock.

There are many readers out there who don’t re-read.   Some feel there are too many wonderful titles they’ve yet to explore to go back to something they’ve already experienced.  As a person with an ever growing reading list, I can certainly sympathize with this point of view.  Rarer, I think, is the reader who doesn’t re-read because they don’t find books they like enough to read twice (or more).  While I feel deeply sorry for those readers, I’m afraid I can’t relate.

I’ve often thought that psychologists could learn a lot about a person’s psyche from asking them what books they like to re-read.  Not being trained in that particular field, I will leave the speculation of what my re-reading selections say about my mental state to others.  I’d rather spend my time re-visiting Harry, Anne, Jo, Dinah, Victoria and Taylor.