Saturdays @ the South: When you just don’t have the time

Not everyone is a reader (for those of you clutching your pearls or gasping, please breathe). It took me a very long time to understand this concept. Books have been a part of my life from birth. They comprise some of my earliest memories to the point where I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t reading. Friendships have been forged on the common like/dislike of books. But this isn’t the path for everyone.

Some people do not read, and this is a valid life choice. That’s why the library offers DVDs or programs and many other offerings for people who don’t find reading to be particularly their bag. But increasingly, I’ve spoken with many people who want to read more, but can’t find the time. This is completely understandable. Busyness seems more inherent in daily life, and let’s face it, sitting down to read can feel like a commitment, maybe even homework if you’re reading something you don’t enjoy. But reading doesn’t have to be a huge commitment. It can be captured in the drips and drabs of those elusive bits of free time. For those of you who are looking to beef up their reading lives, or are looking to incorporate books into your life, I have a few suggestions.

There are plenty of articles that offer ways to make the most of your reading time. Many of their points I agree with. Some seem a bit gimmicky to me. So in the spirit of librarianship, I thought I’d curate the six tips I find most practical in a digestible format. For those of you who are loyal readers, you can probably guess what’s coming next. Yup, I’ve put together an infographic for you (click on it for a larger image you can expand)!

These particular tips are tried-and-true for me. I’ve incorporated reading into my daily routine and while I haven’t put it specifically on my calendar, I do find time in my day that I carve out specifically for reading. The one thing that I think surprises most people is the encouragement not to finish a book. Some people are dead against this, but I found my reading life to be so much freer when I allowed myself to put down a book I wasn’t enjoying  and pick up something that enticed me more. This doesn’t mean never, ever go back to it. Maybe make a mental note to return to it when you have the headspace for that particular story. But why force yourself?

Audiobooks are pretty well celebrated here on the blog, and for good reason, but that doesn’t mean that every audiobook is for every person, so if you’re trying to read more and would like to give audiobooks a try,  know that some people prefer listening to a certain type of book or narrator that can engage them in the story. Be prepared to experiment!

All of these are tips that can hopefully help people get back on track with their reading lives (or perhaps even start one!), but please remember that the library is here for you for more tips and to help you find that un-put-downable book or that audiobook narrator that’s hits your listening sweet spot.  Till next week, dear readers, let us know what you want to get out of your reading life. You can be sure that we’ll do everything we can to help!