At the Movies: Workers Leaving The Lumière Factory in Lyon

Are you a film buff?  Do you come into the Library and make a beeline for the new DVDs?  If so, today is a day worth celebrating–it’s the anniversary of the first commercial film screening. Film History actually goes back to the 1830s, as various European inventors worked on creating spinning disks with images inside … Continue reading At the Movies: Workers Leaving The Lumière Factory in Lyon

At the Movies: Ghostbusters

It isn’t often that summer blockbusters stir much controversy…unless one’s definition of “controversy” includes “Why Will Smith didn’t appear in Independence Day: Resurgence“.  However, there is one film currently gracing the silver screen that has been getting a lot of attention, and not always for the most inspiring of reasons. There had been talk about the production … Continue reading At the Movies: Ghostbusters